there is nothing here for sale

Sunday 6 September 2009

sometimes it's hard to spot, but it's there if you look...

The rain stopped yesterday. Kids' programmes blare from the TV. My meditation space (a small spot in the spare bedroom) has been stacked up with junk ready to go to a charity shop.

Beam me up, Scotty.

However, I rediscovered a small pot I bought from the potter long ago & thought was lost. It was a "second" & cost 10p. It's about 2.5 " in diameter, & there's a small touch of wabi-sabi about it - and in the fact that it was mislaid for about 12 years.


  1. Heya Spud! Thanks for commenting on my blog, and for the link over here. I love the wabi sabi thing, and I look forward to see what pearls of wisdom come from Derby!

    I understand the clutter of everyday life making it hard to meditate and enjoy peace. But I love that little pottery dish you (re)found!

    I'll be popping back again regularly.


  2. Thanks for your kind comments. You're my first real reader! (Sorry, no prize). I doubt whether there'll be any pearls of wisdom, but I can promise pyrites of befuddlement.
    By the way, sorry for clogging your blog with such crass typos.

    S McL
