there is nothing here for sale

Tuesday 8 June 2010

the mind of the beholder

I was at the station, looking at this building (click on photo to enlarge) and contemplating its character. It's rather handsome, in an Anglo-Japanese way - it looks symmetrical at first, then you start to notice that it isn't.

I was thinking that it was a shame that it had to have such a messy foreground; then I thought that maybe the foreground was beautiful too, in its way - it is as it is.

Then it hit me - this is what's meant by "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; but it's more accurate to say, "beauty is in the mind of the beholder". To put it in a nutshell - if you want to see beautiful things, cultivate a beautiful mind.


  1. Hey! How are you? What is in that building?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi - sorry to leave you in suspense for a few days - been away. I'm fine, thanks - and you?

    It's just offices, I think. At one time it would have been something to do with the railway - Derby was an important railway town, and still is, though not to the same degree nowadays. And the building has been a bit player in a little-known TV series called "The Hello Girls", about telephonists in the 1950s/60s.

    NB - post above was similar to this one, but I had to delete it because I couldn't edit for typos!
